Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2019 № 3 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.29.38.015
UDC: 371.015 : 371.01
BBC: 88.840 : 74.202.42
G. A. Shiganova ORCID
Professor (Full), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
O. V. Kovalenko ORCID
Еducational psychologist, municipal autonomous educational establishment secondary school No.6 of Chelyabinsk named after Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article deals with the counseling support for non-native children studying in a Russian-speaking school. The purpose of the article is the description and explanation of using special psychological and pedagogical methods in teaching children who don’t speak Russian or have a low level of it.

Material and methods. The empirical study base is the municipal autonomous educational establishment secondary school №6 of Chelyabinsk. The main methods of this research are the analysis of FSES (Federal State Educational Standards) of primary general education and the scientific literature devoted to psychological and pedagogical technologies of organizing educational process with children who have a poor command of Russian and who are involved in its learning. The using of such diagnostic methods as observation, questionnaire, the analysis of the scientific research results and the method of the mathematical statistics gave the opportunity to describe the psychological features of non-native learners and the peculiarities of their inclusion into the Russian-speaking sociocultural models.

Results. Psychological peculiarities of bilingual primary school-aged children are described. The main violations in speech development and communication in a Russian-speaking setting are identified. Counselling support methods needed for successful mastering of educational programmes and for overcoming the difficulties in forming communicative skills of non-native learners are specified.

Discussion. It is highlighted that long-term systematic counseling support for learners as well as their teachers and parents leads to social and psychological adaptation of immigrant children to Russian culture, language, customs and traditions.

Conclusion. It is concluded that mastering the Russian language by non-native children is a difficult and complex process which requires creating special psychological and pedagogical conditions in a family, school and the society in general. The joint efforts of teachers, children and parents lead to the fact that the adaptation of learners to a different culture and language helps them to enter the world of Russian mentality values more easily.


bilingual, migrant, mentality, counseling support, social culture, educational psychologist, communicative competence, psychological and pedagogical conditions


The essence of the concept “counseling support” in domestic and foreign literature is defined;

Age peculiarities of primary school children have been studied;

Psychological and pedagogical conditions of forming non-native learners’ communicative skills in a Russian socioculture have been revealed;

Extracts of the Programme of counseling support for migrant children in secondary school №6 of Chelyabinsk have been represented.

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